Bowling Blind is a 35-minute documentary film that chronicles the misadventures of the Metropolitan Blind Bowlers. The league, comprised of mostly low-income, minority New York City residents, are the Bad News Bears of bowling. They bowl on a small, two-lane alley in the basement of Visions Selis Manor on 23rd street in Manhattan (where most of the bowlers live). The lanes frequently breakdown and are in dire need of repair. But this doesn’t stop the Metropolitans. For 30 weeks a year, this rag tag team of bowlers keep on rolling.
Marc Cantone, Producer/Director
Marc Cantone is filmmaker, screenwriter and songwriter whose work specializes in quirky comedy, verité documentary and catchy songs. He has written for networks like Nickelodeon Studios, NBC Universal and Baby First TV. He’s also an award winning documentary filmmaker with an eye for off-beat characters and subcultures that yield incredible human stories.
Credits (full credits available on IMDB):
Executive Producers
Ramin Fathie
Tim Hogan
Kristie Lutz
Marc Cantone
Dave Egan
A Production of Cutout Films and Viceroy Films
Presented by AMC Bowling Centers
“ favorite discovery so far, a 35-minute documentary called Bowling Blind. The film is about a blind bowling league that bowls in the basement of a housing building for the blind in Manhattan. If you enjoy light, honest documentaries about colorful characters, you’ll definitely like it. It’s a very warm movie, suitable for any age.”