Hungary, 1944 - The main character is an old shepherd, who lives alone on a ranch. After his daughter is killed by Nazis, he decides in his grief to save as many Jewish lives as possible. Very little is said about those people who lived a simple life and were not forced to take part in WWII, but whose empathy and selflessness did not allow staying passive in the midst of Nazi terror. They made the decision to help Jewish people stay alive, even if this meant risking everything they had, including their own lives. This film is dedicated to these unsung heroes and their selfless sacrifices for mankind.
László Illés, Writer/Director
Hungarian director László Illés began making independent films when he was 13-years-old and has continued his passion for film to present day. Currently, he is directing films and working as 1st Assistant Director in Hungarian features, international films, commercials and music videos.
Credits (full credits available on IMDB):
Executive Producers
Ramin Fathie
Taylor Re Lynn
Franklin Eugene
Jackson McClurg
László Illés
Roy McClurg
Mitchell Speers
Zsuzsanna Fülöp-Biri
Gergely Tóth
Art Direction
Kata Kustos
László Illés
Intergalactic Productions in association with
Viceroy Films
“...leans into the harsh realities of the time as opposed to providing heroic optimism.”